
Showing posts from August, 2020

Don't Let Her See My Face - XTales (Sci-Fi, Dreams & Illusions, 20-40 mins, Creepypasta)

A woman is trapped in a dark and unknown place, haunted by her thoughts and memories. Then a stranger arrives to rescue her. Reading time: 28 minutes. Now, also available on Wattpad and Pratilipi. Chapter One - Lost 'Why is it so dark here?' she thought. 'Why is it so—,' she looked around, '—quiet and deserted?' She was walking down a street that looked familiar. It was a grey night. 'Where is this light coming from?' she wondered. Everything glowed so faintly that it was difficult to locate the light source. It looked like that time of the evening when there would be no sun in the sky, but everything still glows with the light reflecting off of the red sky except—the sky was dark too, pitch black; no stars either. She had no idea where she was or—who she was. She walked further on the street and reached the intersection. There were no streets or traffic lights, or any living being for that matter. It looked like the whole city was deserted. The sk

The Creator and the Creation

Bela decides to repair the broken time machine that she found in her basement to go meet her father who went missing years ago. Reading time: 21.515 minutes. T ime is mysterious. It both creates and destroys things. Sometimes I feel that time is the real god. Time has created this universe, time governs it and, time will end it. Other times, I just wonder what created time? Who or what can be so powerful, can have the authority and wisdom to create such mysteriously beautiful thing. Sometimes I just wonder… Chapter One The Mysterious Disappearance of My Father My father went missing right before I was born. Nobody could ever find him. I don’t have any memory of the time, how could I? But I heard a lot of things while growing up. My neighbours would talk for years. They said he ran on my mother. A friend of my mother’s helped her until I was one year old. I vaguely remember her. Kids in my school taunted me for my entire school life. Bullies just teased me while beating

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Killer vs Killer - XTales (Thriller, Serial Killers, 10-20 mins, Creepypasta)


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Don't Let Her See My Face - XTales (Sci-Fi, Dreams & Illusions, 20-40 mins, Creepypasta)

Why I Prefer the Dark - XTales (Horror, Ghosts & Spirits, 40 mins. or more, Creepypasta)

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