Just a Nightmare?
I had a dream a long time ago about an alien invasion that almost felt like a premonition. Reading time: 5 minutes. Just a Nightmare? It was a calm night of late September back in 2016. I was in my third year of Engineering. My roommate hardly ever stayed in the college dormitory for two consecutive weeks. He often visited his girlfriend back in his hometown, a couple of hours away. The point is that I was alone in our room more often, and so was the case that night too. I had dinner and went to bed early. It was way later than midnight when I woke up thirsty. After gulping down a litre of water, I went back to bed. But sleep was far away from my eyes, so I continued reading the Dexter series by Jeff Lindsay. I can't remember which book out of the series it was. After half an hour, I felt sleepy again. I put down my phone (I was reading an ebook) and went to sleep. Maybe that was it. My hyperactive mind couldn’t go back to sleep just yet. My body might have been resting,...